Golf Cart Inspections
Please note: There is a $20 cash inspection fee.
We provide the Inspections at the Sheriff's Office only, Monday thru Friday 9am to 4pm & Sunday 1pm to 3pm. We will no longer complete inspections at residences or campgrounds.
Location for inspections
Logan County Sheriff's Office
284 County Road 32 S
Bellefontaine, OH 43311
An applicant who wishes to register a golf cart or other Under Speed Vehicle (USV) must proceed as described below. "Under-speed vehicle" means a three- or four-wheeled vehicle, including a vehicle commonly known as a golf cart, with an attainable speed on a paved level surface of not more than twenty miles per hour and with a gross vehicle weight rating less than three thousand pounds
We provide the Inspections at the Sheriff's Office only, Monday thru Friday 9am to 4pm & Sunday 1pm to 3pm. We will no longer complete inspections at residences or campgrounds.
Location for inspections
Logan County Sheriff's Office
284 County Road 32 S
Bellefontaine, OH 43311
An applicant who wishes to register a golf cart or other Under Speed Vehicle (USV) must proceed as described below. "Under-speed vehicle" means a three- or four-wheeled vehicle, including a vehicle commonly known as a golf cart, with an attainable speed on a paved level surface of not more than twenty miles per hour and with a gross vehicle weight rating less than three thousand pounds
Steps of Application process
- The sheriff or chief of police in the community (city, village, township) provides the applicant a certificate of inspection regarding the inspection requirements of the Ohio Administrative Code (O.A.C.) Chapter 4501:2-1
- Go to the Clerk of Courts title office in any county. The clerk will verify that the inspection certificate accompanies the title evidence and the vehicle inspection requirements of O.A.C. 4501:2-1. If verified and everything else is in order, the clerk will issue the title.
- Obtain Insurance
- Take the title to a deputy registrar in that county. If all is in order, the deputy registrar will issue license plates
- Operate the golf cart or other USV in accordance with O.R.C. Chapter 4511 and with the equipment required by O.R.C. 4513
Note: January 2017 Update
Ohio now allows USV operation on streets or highway with an established speed limit not greater that 35 MPH and only upon such streets or highways where a local authority has granted permission for such operation. (the City, Village, Or Townships must pass a resolution allowing the use of USV on the roadways).
Ohio revised code concerning golf carts & Under speed vehicles
- Requires valid driver’s license for any operation of a motor vehicle on public or private property – ORC 4507.02A(1)-4510.12A(1)
- Must be equipped with rear tail lights (only 1 required). ORC 4513.05
- Must have a light to illuminate license plate and make license plate legible from a distance of 50 feet. ORC 4513.05
- Must have at least 1 working brake light. ORC 4513.071
- Must have 2 headlights. ORC4513.04
- Must have a horn. ORC 4513.21
- Must have a rear mirror. ORC 4513.23
- Must have a windshield (glass or safety glass). ORC 4513.24
- Must have directional signals. ORC 4513.261
- Must have brackets for mounting 2 license plates (front and rear). ORC 4503.21