Logan Soil and Water Conservation District has educational teaching aides that facilitate an understanding and appreciation of the physical world we share with plants, animals and other living organisms. The teaching tools are available for loan to teachers and civic organizations for youth and adult education purposes. The tools focus primarily on agriculture and environmental lessons. The following kits and topic assembled trunks are available upon request. Please contact Logan Soil and Water Conservation District for more information and to reserve the tools of your choosing. Contact 937-404-3143 or email [email protected].
Ohio Bird Trunk - includes books, videos, and teaching guides.
Water Quality Trunk - includes water quality test equipment .
Ohio Farm Trunk - includes videos, books and activities.
Owl Trunk
Ohio Bird Trunk
Soils Trunk - includes rock/mineral samples.
Wetland Trunk - includes books and cds.
Stream Monitoring equipment
Streamulator Table
Enviroscape Model
Soil Sieves
Ground Water Model
Water Cycle Model
Soils Tent - exposes students to an urban and farm setting, showing different soils, rocks, and fossils found beneath our feet. The soils tent has to be assembled by Logan SWCD staff.
Ohio Bird Trunk - includes books, videos, and teaching guides.
Water Quality Trunk - includes water quality test equipment .
Ohio Farm Trunk - includes videos, books and activities.
Owl Trunk
Ohio Bird Trunk
Soils Trunk - includes rock/mineral samples.
Wetland Trunk - includes books and cds.
Stream Monitoring equipment
Streamulator Table
Enviroscape Model
Soil Sieves
Ground Water Model
Water Cycle Model
Soils Tent - exposes students to an urban and farm setting, showing different soils, rocks, and fossils found beneath our feet. The soils tent has to be assembled by Logan SWCD staff.