Common Pleas Court - Family Court
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the Logan County Family Court website. We are dedicated to creating an easily accessible Court for Citizens of Logan County. The information provided within this website is designated to assist you and offers information on cases filed within our Court.
The Logan County Family Court is dedicated to justice, community well-being, and partnerships that protect, support, and empower individuals and families by providing quality, timely and respectful services.
The Logan County Family Court is dedicated to justice, community well-being, and partnerships that protect, support, and empower individuals and families by providing quality, timely and respectful services.
Judge Kim Kellogg-Martin |
Judge natasha Kennedy |
Magistrate Stacia L. Rapp |
Magistrate Sarah J. Warren |
Court Annual REport
The information contained within this site is intended to be accurate, reliable, complete as well as timely, however, Logan County Family Court reserves the right to make changes and assumes no liability for damages, nor does the Logan County Family Court warrant the accuracy, reliability, completeness and or the timeliness of any of the information contained within this website, and shall not be held liable for losses caused by the reliance on the accuracy, reliability, completeness and or the timeliness of any of the information contained within this website. It is not intended to be nor should it be interpreted as legal advice.