the same high school. An adult advisor must accompany the team, but is not permitted to assist the team during the competition, The team was made up of seniors Ben Sailors Jacob Shell and Dustin VanBuskirk. Underclassman Evan Kauffman, Olivia Eader and Neil Kauffman rounded out the team. They were advised by science teacher, Kristy Mount. Each team member will receive a $100 award and the school will receive $300 for a future environmental event.
High school students across the state compete on the local level at one of the five Area Envirothons. The top four teams from each Area Envirothon then go on to compete at the state competition held each year in June for the title of State Envirothon Champion. Typically, the winning team would compete at the national competition in Lincoln, Nebraska, held annually in July but that will not take place this year. Video of the announcement of Ohio’s 2020 Envirothon team finalists. Comments are closed.