About Us
Role of Agency
- Provide services to help children and families.
- Act to protect children who have been abused or neglected, are at risk of harm, or who are dependent.
- Receive and investigate reports of child abuse and neglect as mandated by law.
- Facilitate placement of children who are abused, neglected or dependent and placed in the custody of Logan County Children's Services by Juvenile Court. Children are placed in least restrictive, most family-like settings, if an alternative placement is needed.
Community Services
- Emergency Services: This program provides emergency assistance for families in order to prevent a child from becoming dependent, neglected or abused when there are no current allegations of child abuse, neglect or dependency.
- Kinship Services: The Kinship Permanency Incentive Program was created to support children in the homes of family or friends who have committed to caring for them when birth parents cannot. The requirements to receive the payments are: a judicial award of legal custody or legal guardianship after July 2005, Income is not higher than 300 % of federal poverty guidelines, completion of background checks and a home study. If eligible, cash payments will be made every six months, not to exceed 6 payments (three years). The cash award is determined annually by the State. Applications are made to the Children Service agency in which the custodian resides.
- Christmas Assistance Program: Each Christmas season, the Agency partners with local volunteers and other agencies to provide Christmas gifts and assistance to families in need during the holiday season. Each year the program continues to grow and the generosity of our community shines. Any resident of Logan County is able to apply for Christmas Assistance.
- Happy Bear: This program is a child sexual abuse prevention skit which teaches young children about good touches, bad touches and confusing touches. Agency staff volunteer to perform at Safety Town, pre-schools, and elementary grades K-2 in Logan County.